Sunday, October 25, 2009


"to be irreplaceable, one must always be different." - coco chanel

new blogger layout. & what the hell. i guess i haven't looked at my "followers" list. haaah. sorry if i cuss too much on this stuff, i can't really help it. if you want a more pg-rated blog, visit my tumblr. cuhs this is where i let out all my angry shit & just vent to the world. (= aaanyways. i'm a fucking mess right now. i really don't know what to do & i wanna take a break from it aaaall. the past week has been horrrrible. you'd think i'd love it cuhs madre's in taiwan & shit. massive failures at tests, sleeping at 1am every day, getting lectured by my dad about stupid shit. ugh. i'm so done with junior yeaaar. i still need to get my permit & take my gayass sat's. oh & i've noticed i'm a reaaally deprived child. haaah. i've never seen toy story 1 or 2 full through, or bambi, pinocchio, & dumbo. my house contains 2 wideass plasma tvs but it's not hooked up so i'm basically tv-less. texting's always been blocked, which sucks ass cuhs i've always wanted a texting plan. haaaah. but whatevs. aaanyways. choir's been really fun. i swear, it's the only class i look forward to. we've started choreo for our christmas concert. (: even though "all i want for christmas" is theee most annoying christmas song, i love that vibe i get whenever i walk into the choir room. it's like christmas in there already. we're thinking of sticking a fake christmas tree in there soon. haaah. halloween's in a week & i still don't have an idea of what i wanna be. dammit. i was supposed to be webby with nickhale, but that didn't really work outtt. fuck it. i'm tired as hell. so goodnight.

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