Monday, March 30, 2009


no quote today. i didn't feel the need to put one up.
it's not like anyone reads this stuff, so eh.

i'm sick of 'family'.
i'm sick of their nicknames for me.
i'm sick of listening to them.
i'm sick of hearing their voices.
i'm sick of always having to sacrifice for them.
i'm sick of them always ditching me.
i'm sick of the fact they don't care.
i'm sick of all the crap they've brought me.
i'm sick of my mom.
i'm sick of her punishments.
i'm sick of not being able to paint my nails.
i'm sick of her yelling.
i'm sick of my brothers.
i'm sick of hearing "you're a fat jew".
i'm sick of their 'jokes'.
i'm sick of my sister.
i'm sick of her idea of "joking around".
i'm sick of her calling me lazy.
i'm sick of her telling lies to everyone.
i'm sick of her taking my things without asking OR telling me.
i'm sick of my dad.
i'm sick of the fact i never get to see him.
i'm sick of whenever he comes home.
i'm sick of him yelling at me for things i didn't do.
i'm sick of his loudass voice.
i'm sick of it all & i wish i could run away.

1 comment:



    dont be so sadd/madd D:
    vioney's here for you!
    hehehe. (:

    its okay, i feel like that too
    it sucks,

