Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"Sometimes you have to accept the fact that certain things will never go back to how they used to be."

Well what if you give up right when things are about to turn around? It's like a double edged sword, isn't it? If you don't give up, you're only going to hurt more. You might be waiting for something to happen, only to have it not, leading you towards disappointment. But if you do give up right before things start going back to the way they were, then you'd be missing out on what was & what could have been once again. Hanging on for so long would seem like such a waste. 

I hate these 50/50-type decisions. That neverending battle between your brain & your heart. When you're stuck right in the middle of two things & you're constantly fluctuating between them. Decisions like these make me such an indecisive person & it frustrates the shit out of me when I put so much thought into them.

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