Saturday, June 12, 2010


"a life made of memories, gone so young." - amber pacific ; gone so young
  1. seeing you at graduation was the best start to my summer. i saw you, took a picture with you. you hugged me & held me like you always did, and we talked & cleared everything up. we stayed up talking that night, as well as the following nights. you kept me up at night when i wanted to sleep all the time. and for once, i felt that we were back to where we started. but now we're drifting again. WHY !? ): i hate how this always happens to us. it's such an on & off cycle and it bugs it shit out of me. buuuut, whatever. we'll give it a couple of days & it should be back to normal.
  3. thanks for being there for me all the freaking time. you put up with my bullshit, bitchiness, & major mood swings. who says a girl can't have a guy best friend without developing any feelings for them ? i lovelovelove you & am excited for senior year cuhs we better get a class togetherrrr ! (:
  4. i'm still bugged about what you did earlier this year. plus the fact that you're going to his graduation while you swear you have no feelings whatsoever for him. whaaatever, bitch. i can't say i'm over it, because it still bugs me. the fact that you knew how much i liked him (& how every small thing reminds me of him), yet you still chill & talk to him as if he had nothing to do with me. boo, you whore.
  5. BLAH, you're really starting to irritate me. hahahah, whatever.
  6. i wish you'd die. really, i do. words cannot explain how much i hate you.
  7. i love how close we've gotten since the beginning of summer ! i thought you were a homewrecking bitch, but you're so much more than that (: i love that we can talk about everything & everyone. and now that our parents have rekindled their friendships, we can chill all day, err day ! hehehe ♥
  8. OHHEEEEEY. you were the last boy i would think i'd have interest in. i have a feeling it's just cuhs #7 up there mentioned it slightly, buuut whatevs ! YOU'RE SO SMART. it's really intimidating. and you're graduating in a couple of days & going up to norcal, sooo i don't think anything's gonna happen. and even though we're not that close, we better hang out before you leaveeee ! (:

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